Taxes: Relevant Partnership Forms
DOR forms related to filing partnership income tax in the state of Georgia.
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On this page, find forms and information related to Taxes and Partnerships in the state of Georgia.
There is a 5.39% income tax on Partnerships that own property, do business in Georgia or receive income form Georgia sources. If the business elects to pay tax at the entity level, estimated tax payments are required.
Businesses are required to file a Georgia Income Tax Return Form 700 if your business is required to file a Federal Income Tax Form 1065 and your business:
The Form 700 is an information return when not electing to pay tax at the entity level and as such the income tax is paid by the partners. This also applies to an LLC that is treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes.
When electing to pay tax at the entity level, the income tax is paid by the partnership and not by the partners. This also applies to an LLC that is treated as a partnership for federal income tax purposes.
Dues Date - The date to file the partnership return is on or before the 15th day of the third month.
HB 149 Pass-Through Entity (PTE) Tax Partnerships
DOR forms related to filing partnership income tax in the state of Georgia.